Sunday, November 24, 2013

Weekly comments 7

°This week I learned I should probably have made a script for my animation while I had the storyboard, it's gonna eat up time making one

° I got angry when I had to move my aunts house for the FOURTH time in 2 months

°I was happy when I got the new Legend of Zelda game, even though I have to cut down on my play time because of my concussion

Watch this


°I didn't know Frozen was based off an old take from another country

° I didn't know the original story would have to be altered so much for a new generation

° I didn't know it would take 4000 computers to create a scene of a castle being built of ice magically

°I thought this article was kinda boring

°I think there could be better articles to read

°Any other movie articles?

Animals and creatures in animation

I didn't know it was so important to use real creatures movements for made up characters

I didn't know using animals and creatures for animation can add alot of diversity to reels

I didn't know companies find it essential to use lots of characters

I think this will be helpful making a good portfolio

I think that this will help making creatures in future animations

Anymore advice for creature creation?

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


°I didn't know there was a while department for painting the character and background

° I didn't know there we're so many jobs just in entry level.

° I didn't know VFX is animation seems like it's more part of movie productions

° I would like to know about all the positions in animating for games too

° I think it's a helpful article for those involved in the movie field

° any more stuff about animation jobs?

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Weekly comments

This week I learned that you probably shouldn't agree to help someone move stuff unless you know how heavy the objects are... Or if you'll be moving stuff up stairs

I was happy to find out im being paid to build a toy dinosaur for my cousin, it even comes with instructions!

I was angers when while I was moving a desk it slipped and the corner of it smashed into my collar none

°I would like to,learn how to warp,voices on,the computer for my 2D animation

It's dangerous to be bored, watch this!

Natural light shooting

° I didn't know the time before the sun goes goes down is called the
Blue Hour

° I didn't know shooting with natural light would require different cameras

° I didn't know you would have to get to the location hours earlier to see how light affects the area

° I think this is helpful, especially to anyone making videos for YouTube

° I think they should include camera choices for someone making videos too instead of just movies

°What other tips are there?

Nineteenth century animation

° I didn't know people collected those toys seems like they wouldn't last for 150 years considering they're made of paper

° i didnt know the phenakistoscope was originally meant for testing the,eyes ability to perceive illusions

° I didn't know the zoetrope used two feet of roll, that's slot considering how big it is

° I think those gifs of the phenakistoscope animations are weird and a little creepy

°I'd say the,sanity of the creator of the phenakistoscope is questionable

°why do all early animation toys end with -scope?