Sunday, February 8, 2015

A few's a crowd

     This article gives some advice to create the illusion of much more people being in a film than there actually is. One technique for doing this is to close the camera in on someone with a small group of extras in the background and some party sound effects or whatever you need to make it sound like there's more of whatever's there than there actually is. The other option, which is more complex to pull off is to have a camera at a fixed angle and take multiple shots of the same actors in different costumes in different areas then editing them together to make it look like there's a lot of people.

        I've actually know about that second method for a while, but that first one was something I've never thought about. It's a great way to create the illusion needed for a shot with a low budget for hiring extras, the masking method mentioned in the second option for making it look like alot of people are walking to the camera is something I don't want to do, let's just say I don't have great experiences with masks.......

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